The purpose of your Retreat is to enter this process of examination and purification by the Holy Spirit. This is only the beginning of that process, which God invites us to continue in this forty-day period leading up to the joyous celebration of Christ’s Resurrection.
Although the following Retreat Guide is given as a general pattern, it is understood that each individual is free to follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit, as he or she may be uniquely led into the presence and grace of God.
You Will Need the Following Items:
1. Your Bible.
2. Paper and pen or pencil for journaling.
3. CD, cassette or instrument for praise and worship.
4. This Retreat Guide.
OPENING PRAYER (about 10 minutes)
For Guidance:
O God of Mercy, make yourself known to me in these hours of retreat. Illumine and remove from my life those sins and distractions that prevent me from being attentive and faithful. Grant to me in this time apart faith, wisdom, and courage to see and rejoice in your promises for my future. Amen.
SILENT LISTENING (at least twenty minutes)
Wait upon the Lord in silence, just allowing yourself to be present to Him. As thoughts that are anxious arise, give them to the Lord, letting them go, rather than holding on to them. Offer God your inner turmoil and all the stresses and concerns of the day. Rather than praying, just wait attentively in surrender.
SCRIPTURE READING ( 25 -30 minutes)
Joel 2:12-18; Psalm 51; 2 Cor. 7:1; Luke 9: 22-25.
What are these passages saying to you today?
How does each passage offer insight for your life and your preparation for ministry?
Reflect, pray and journal on these questions.
SPIRITUAL READING (at least 10 minutes)
To come to the pleasure you have not
you must go by a way in which you enjoy not.
To come to the knowledge you have not
you must go by a way in which you know not.
To come to the possession you have not
you must go by a way in which you possess not.
To come to be what you are not
you must go by a way in which you are not.
(St. John of the Cross, The Ascent of Mt. Carmel)
Reflect on this classic writing: what is God saying or revealing to you about your life and faith through this reading? Record these reflections in your journal.
JOURNALING (at least 20 minutes)
Record your innermost thoughts as you answer these questions: What changes in my life are you calling me to make at this time, Lord? What do I need to pay attention to? In what areas are you making “course corrections” in the direction of my daily life?
CLOSING PRAYER (10-15 minutes)
Ask the Lord to lead you in your closing prayer time. Ask Him to form the prayers in your heart He is calling you to pray at this time: for yourself, for your family, for the Body of Christ, for the world--allow Him to completely guide this time of prayer.
It is often wise, during retreat, to set aside an intentional time for relaxation and exercise. This helps us to remember that "we have this treasure in earthen vessels": that our physical selves are very important to God and to ministry. Use this time to enjoy God's gifts of relaxation and exercise.
Reflect overall on this half-day of retreat: What do you need to remember about this time? What was most significant? How did God reveal His Presence, speak to you, lead, guide, counsel or correct you during this time? What do you need to learn, change or accomplish in view of God's revelations to you during the retreat?
Give yourself adequate time to return to your everyday context of life and ministry. The benefits of retreat--the revelation God gives often continues after the retreat time has ended. If possible, allow the rest of the day for your return to your usual context of life and duties.
You will have an opportunity share about the meaning and benefits of this retreat for you in your on Friday on the prayer line.